How to choose the right pinhole glasses?
Pinhole glasses to improve vision are chosen based on the prescription and regardless of the symptom for which they are to be used. All are valid to see both near and far and also if you have blurred vision. In other words, they are all equally valid for all common symptoms (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia or eyestrain). The variation is in the degree of the visual symptom, that is, the number of diopters.
The pinhole glasses conical and pyramidal are of high quality and German manufacture, the hexagonal ones of Spanish manufacture and superior quality. Thanks to its holes, no screen or light source will produce reflections. Its quality / price ratio deserves to be taken into account.
Additionally, they are reviewed one by one before being sent to avoid inconvenience. In addition, the shipment is adequate, and it is not normal for damage to occur during it. Even so, they have a guarantee as established by Spanish legislation, they would be replaced by others if necessary, as you can see in point 9 of the conditions of sale. In any case, if you are not satisfied, you can make your return by communicating it up to 14 days later and having 14 more days to do so, according to point 8 of the aforementioned conditions. The pinhole glasses are shipped with a case, an instruction booklet (we recommend you read it), a distance reference panel and a sheet with different font sizes for near.
IMPORTANT: no type of reticular glasses are suitable for driving vehicles, or for practicing extreme sports.
Types of Pinhole Glasses
Pyramidal holes have a square base on the outside and are finer on the inside. The alignment is orthogonal. Pyramidal holes reduce the phenomenon of diffraction halos present in round or cylindrical holes. This phenomenon is especially annoying when watching television or using the computer, tablet or smartphone.
They are suitable for vision problems less than a diopter and a half except for computer scientists and people who use the computer a lot. Suitable for myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and mild presbyopia (from 0 to 1.5 diopters). If you have astigmatism and other symptoms, the graduation is added to calculate.
Conical Pinhole Glasses
Conical holes are smaller near the eye and more open on the outside. This reduces the phenomenon of diffraction halos present in round or cylindrical holes. They are also the favorites of most people who can try different types of reticular glasses.
They are suitable for medium myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and presbyopia. Recommended from 1.5 to 5.5 diopters and also for computer scientists or people who use a lot of the computer (computer) from 0 to 5.5 diopters. If you have astigmatism and other symptoms, the graduation is added to calculate.

They can be both conical and pyramidal but smaller. Therefore they also reduce the phenomenon of direction halos present in round or cylindrical holes.
People with problems of more than 5.5 diopters usually need narrower holes to see properly. The conical glasses with fine holes are suitable for high myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and presbyopia (from 5.5 to 14 diopters). Pyramid glasses with fine holes are the only ones suitable for very high prescriptions (more than 14* diopters). If you have astigmatism and other symptoms, the graduation is added to calculate.

The holes of these glasses are hexagonal. They combine the advantages of conical and pyramidal glasses. They also reduce the phenomenon of diffraction halos.
They are valid for almost all graduations, low, medium and high. They are suitable for myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and presbyopia (for any number of diopters up to 14). If you have astigmatism and other symptoms, the graduation is added to calculate.